Carol bertho
The group "Street Performance" is a Hip Hop Dance company born in 2015 to support and educate about the Hip-Hop culture through dance shows and class studies, with Carol Bertho as Artistic Director. They believe and seek to validate and show the importance of this culture for the world’s dance and music scenario and its power of impact not only for the community of at-risk kids but also for anyone that has the opportunity to experience this dance and mainly to recognize its fight for humans rights and equality. The company has produced Dance Shows, always working with critical thinking subjects about social concerns; also Festivals, Battles, and Workshops for local dancers and was awarded in well-known Brazilian competitions.
A ponte (the bridge) - Dance Movie
Objective/Summary: It was an online show produced by the Cultural Center of the city of São Carlos in celebration of the International Day of Dance. With a Nietzsche poem as inspiration, dance academies and groups from the city were invited to create a choreography and perform it on Facebook Live.
Role: Choreographer and Dancer
Results: Performance of a Choreography with group "Street Performance" Dance Company
Video link
TEDx show and talk
Objective/Summary: “Arena Móvel de Teatro” is a project sponsored by the city of São Carlos, in which a tent is set up in the suburbs of São Carlos and Circus, Theater, Dance, and Magic presentations, and workshops take place there for free.
Role: Director/Choreographer/Teacher
Results: Performance of the Show “Do Hip Hop às Danças Urbanas” with the Hip Hop Company group "Street Performance.”
"dO hIP hOP
(From hip hop to urban dances)
Objective/Summary: This is a project produced by the Physical Education department of Ufscar with professor Waldemar Marques. It consists of a cultural event with sports, martial arts, and dance festivals. The dance festival proposed to talk about Hip Hop and urban dances, and I was hired to direct. The Festival had its presentations with children from municipal schools as an audience.
Role: Director/Choreographer
Results: Urban Dance Festival with a presentation about the source of Hip Hop and the rise of Urban Dances. Exhibition performed by group "Street Performance" and participation by the K-pop group from Academia Performance, CAASO Dance Company, and Street Shaab group from Aline Hensser Dance Studio.
Objective/Summary: This was a dance show produced by the Hip Hop Company Street Performance Group. Using Hip Hop as the primary language of dance, the performance was about using digital devices and social networks and how it changed the way people relate to others and their image.
Role: Director/Choreographer/Producer/Dancer
Results: Presentation at the Municipal Center of Art and Culture of São Carlos
Video link
#log off
Objective/Summary: Using the year's hit “Gangnam Style,” the Hip hop Campany group "Street Performance" proposed a big Flash on the São Carlos’s Marquet Center park. The project started with a video tutorial of the flash mob choreography, so everyone that wanted to join could learn it at home. Then, there was a quick rehearsal to prepare for the day, and after that, we presented the surprising flash mob.
Role: Choreographer
Results: Flashmob with around forty dancers and one hundred and fifty people watching
Objective/Summary: This show was created with the municipal cultural fund and supported by Academia Performance, “Janela Aberta” Institute, Cultural Municipal Secretary, and the Municipal Theatre. It was about the origin and evolution of Street Dance since the 1929 crisis when people created new ways to show their talent and face the period until today’s popularity of this dance and the creation of the social project “Dança periferia.”
Role: Producer assistant/dancer/choreographer assistant
Results: Presentations in the Municipal Theater and in the Municipal project “Tenda Móvel de Teatro”.
Carol bertho
Objective/Summary: The project consists of bringing teachers of different styles of Urban Dance to give workshops to the dancers of the Hip Hop Company group "Street Performance" and other dance students from around São Carlos city, SP.
Role: Producer
Results: 2018 edition - teachers Gustavo Florencio (dancehall) and Joca Cardoso (Urban Choreo)
2020 live edition - teacher Dado Mendes (Hip Hop)
pdr connections
Objective/Summary: It was a festival produced by the Hip Hop Company group "Street Performance" that included dance workshops with teachers from different cities, Breaking and all style battles, performances with the Company and guests, and a dance party.
Role: Producer/Teacher
Results: 2015 edition - Workshops with Carol Bertho (Hills and Hip Hop), B-boy Dentinho (breaking), and Jeferson Sales (wacking and vogue); performance guests: Academia Performance students.
2018 edition - Workshops with Caroline Bertho and group "Street Performance" (Hip Hop) B-boy Negão from Mos Crew (breaking) and Kaique Alves (Hip Hop); performance guest: CAASO Dance Company, Wendell Oliveira, Dhiego Stevani, and Academia Performance students.
fest dance pdr
Objective/Summary: This project offers Urban Dances Workshops with dancers of the Hip Hop Company group "Street Performance" and the Choreographer Caroline Bertho with a pocket show of the Hip Hop Company. It is open to dance students from the region of São Carlos, SP.
Role: Producer/Teacher
Results: Workshops with Caroline Bertho (Experimental/Contemporary Urban), Cayque Iroldi (Jazz-Funk), Allan Gavassa (Commercial Hip Hop), and Lucas Cardoso (K-pop). Pocket show with choreographs of each professor and the company’s official choreographs.
fest rua pdr
Objective/Summary: This Festival was produced by the NGO “Vida em Ação” in association with Academia Performance and Célula Criativa to collect food to the Woman’s fighting cancer network of São Carlos, SP. There were audiovisual music, visual arts, literature, performing arts shows, and debates and seminars.
Role: Producer assistant/dancer/choreographer assistant
Results: I worked with Academia Performance to advertise performing arts shows, teach a workout dance class, and perform with the group "Street Performance.”
Objective/Summary: Choreograph created to compete in a large and well-known festival “Valinhos em Dança''. This choreograph was made during my surgery recovery time when I was teaching sitting on a chair and proposed to myself to create a piece on these conditions. Later the piece was developed by a choreographer with nine dancers and ten chairs.
Role: Choreographer/Dancer
Results: 1st place in Professional Contemporary Group
Objective/Summary: Choreograph created to compete on D’Bayas Dance Festival in São Paulo, SP. It is about a unit to fight for justice no matter what kind of discrimination each person identifies with.
Role: Choreographer/Dancer
Results: Newly Outstanding Group award
Objective/Summary: Choreograph created for twenty-four dancers to compete in “Som Luz e Dança” Festival in Piracicaba, SP. It is about sexual, gender, and racial equality and how all of us have the right to be who we are with no prejudice.
Role: Choreographer/Dancer
Results: 1st place advanced Hip Hop Group and Best Choreographer of the Festival